About a year ago – in a blog post at our website – we said that we wanted to make sure that, no matter who you are, where you are and how you do it, if you’re a paraplanner you can take part in Powwows.
In addition to introducing Howwows, one of the ways that we said we’d do it was by introducing ‘The Big Tent’ – a forum for online debate and discussion hosted at a spruced-up Powwow website.
That’s why – today – we’re really pleased to say that the Powwow’s Big Tent is now open!
If you’d like to try it out click getting started for a quick-start guide to Big Tent.
Alternatively, just click http://thebigtent.paraplannerspowwow.co.uk/, click the ‘Register’ button (beneath the ‘Howdy stranger’ bit on the right), and away you go!
If you have any problems, just email how@paraplannerspowwow.co.uk to let us know.