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Les Cameron’s guide to the new allowances landscape

Tax and trusts

Wednesday 24th April 2024





Video cover image features a head and shoulder picture of Les Cameron. Text reads: Recorded on 24 April 2024. Les Cameron's guide to the new allowances landscape featuring Les Cameron of M&G Wealth

In a world where even HMRC doesn’t seem too sure what the score is, how can paraplanners get to grips with the new allowances landscape so clients know what they need to know right now?

Well you could tune into this recording of our Assembly with Les Cameron on 24 April 2024 for starters.

Because M&G Wealth’s head of technical took us on a guided tour of the new allowances regime following the abolition of the lifetime allowance (LTA).

What you’ll gain from this Assembly

During this lunch-hour event, hosted by Richard Allum of The Paraplanners, Les explored what has changed, what matters, and what it all means for you and your clients.

In a session that was jam-packed with examples, case studies and practical tips, Les covered all the essentials including

  • individual starting allowances
  • allowance excesses
  • transitional allowances – including transitional tax free amount certificates (TTFACs)
  • ongoing allowance availability and use
  • death benefits and beneficiaries drawdown
  • the importance of the order of benefits

Among the nuggets that Les shared were his analysis of the winners and losers under the new regime, nine things you need to know about TTFACs, and planning opportunities for clients as a result of the changes.

What’s more, he recapped the legislative position as well as shared some good-to-know quirks that the changes are throwing up.

With the post-LTA world still in an apparent state of flux, this is a timely chance to take stock in the company of one of the Assembly’s most popular experts. Want to join in? Then save your spot now.


Les Cameron
M&G Wealth

Les leads the M&G Wealth Technical Team working to maintain their position as one of the most widely respected technical support units in financial services.

A fellow of the PFS, Les spends his time reading, writing and speaking about pensions, tax and trusts to our internal stakeholders, press, paraplanners and financial advisers.

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Here are useful links and downloads from this event. M&G Wealth have created a dedicated page for this event where you can take a quiz to receive a record for your CPD. Just follow the link to grab your certificate.

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