Back in the days of pandemic restrictions, we would throw open the doors of a Zoom room for an hour on a Friday morning so – whether in-house or outsourced – any paraplanner who was working from home and fancied a natter could drop in (we called them Coffee Mornings).
Despite the return to a more traditional office hours for part of the week, the world of hybrid working and WFH continues to leave loads of us craving a bit of watercooler-style conversation once in a while – if only to stay sane.
Which is why we’re reviving our informal one-hour drop-ins once again.
Pop the kettle on, it’s Elevenses
We’re calling them Elevenses and we’ll be opening the Zoom room for the next one at 11am on Friday 15 March 2024.
To join in, just click the ‘Book event’ button, fill out your details and you’ll receive a calendar invitation with the Zoom link in your inbox (so you don’t forget).
What to expect
There’s nothing to prepare or anything – although a frequent topic of conversation is ‘What’s for tea?’ so be ready for that – so just pour yourself a cuppa, grab a biscuit or two or three or four…and click the link.
Expect to be greeted by a friendly-faced paraplanner or two (Caroline Stuart will definitely be one of the hosts for this gathering).
There might only be two or three of us. And then there might be 20.
You can stay for the whole hour. Or just five minutes. It’s entirely up to you.
See you there?