Get involved.
Assemblies are only possible because of the time, knowledge and expertise that’s contributed by paraplanners, supporters and experts.

Make your contribution
Everything we do is powered by the paraplanners, experts and supporters who get involved. There are so many ways to make your mark – you can dive right in and run an event, or even just suggest an idea or topic for us to progress. And if you’re not a paraplanner but want to support the community, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved and help out.
Host an Event
Fancy hosting an Assembly event? More and more paraplanners are trying their hand at it so, whether or not you’re an experienced MC, we’d love to hear from you.
Organise a local Assembly
If you’d like to meet up with paraplanners in your local area, you can lean on us to support you with the tools, know-how and time to make it happen.
Organise an Assembly on a topic that matters
Is there a topic you think the Assembly should really explore? And are you itching to gather paraplanners together to get stuck into it? Then let’s see what we can do!
Take part in an event
No matter what the size and subject of the gathering, whether in person or online, Assemblies are all about taking part.
Suggest a topic
Our whole programme of events is based on topics or issues that are suggested by paraplanners. Got a topic you’d like to see the Assembly tackle? Tell us now.
Help us at an event
Every helping hand helps! That’s our attitude. So whether you want to play a central role at an event or help out behind the scenes, we’d welcome the extra pair of hands.
Share your knowledge
There are lots of ways you can share your insight and knowledge with other paraplanners. There are our events, resources and the Big Tent.
Contribute expertise
The magic often happens when paraplanners meet experts. If you have expertise and knowledge on a topic that paraplanners value, we’d love to have a chat.
Support our activities
Supporters of the Paraplanners’ Assembly make it all possible. They literally help us keep the lights on. We believe they find the relationship just as beneficial.
Support your paraplanner’s development
Looking for support for your paraplanning team? We’ve got you covered. Whether it’s CPD events and resources, a forum for their questions or peers to help their development, chances are we can help.
Our supporters
The Paraplanners’ Assembly isn’t possible without the help given by our Supporters. Time and time again, they answer the call to support the paraplanning movement.
Future events
There’s always something on the go at the Paraplanners’ Assembly. Check out the upcoming events for topics that may interest you.
The Big Tent
Got a question you want to ask your fellow paraplanners? The Big Tent is the place for you. Simply sign up to post your question.