Far from being ‘soft’ skills, the ability to listen more effectively, give and receive feedback more confidently, and manage your time more productively are vital personal development skills so you can succeed in your paraplanning career.

But how often do you find time to discover, practice and apply new tools and approaches to fine-tune those skills? Plus do that alongside other paraplanners in the same boat as you?

If that sounds familiar, then this is the event for you. Because we asked coach and facilitator, Becca Timmins, to design a workshop exclusively for paraplanners.

Drawing on a decade of insights provided by Assembly participants, Becca has created the power-up you need to grow your confidence and command of these crucial skills – in just three hours.

This workshop has been made possible thanks to the kind support of our friends at Aegon UK.

What you’ll learn

You’ll learn to lean in to listening

Ever feel the need to fix everyone’s problems for them? Or perhaps you feel pressure to come up with solutions when people share their thoughts and feelings with you?

Learning a new way to think about listening can really help us let go of needing to have all of the answers. Plus, it makes for solutions that are more effective and better thought through. We’ll use our time to discover a refreshing approach to listening.

You’ll feel more confident about feedback

Do you ever feel unsure about how best to give feedback? Perhaps you struggle to get your point across and wish you could articulate yourself more clearly? Maybe receiving feedback makes you squirm?

We’re often not taught how to give effective feedback and so we struggle to know how to do it well.  What’s more, bad experiences can put us off trying. So we’ll spend some time learning tools that can help us – and think about how we can get out of our own way.

You’ll gain a new perspective on time

Does it feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Maybe you feel like you never seem to have control over how you spend your time?

There are so many tools and hacks out there to try and make us feel we can do more in less time. Perhaps it’s time to think about it a bit differently? That’s why we will set some valuable time aside to explore the way we approach time managing.

About workshop facilitator, Becca Timmins

Our workshop will be led by Becca Timmins.

Becca’s workshops give you lots of room to reflect on things both individually and in conversation with other paraplanners.

Her style makes for an energising and enriching learning experience. In fact, you can see for yourself because we’ve added a few shots from Becca’s sessions at this year’s Big Day Out.

Coach and facilitator Becca has not only worked as a paraplanner in the past but – these days – is director of operations at financial planning practice Emery Little.

A close up image of Becca Timmins who is standing and leads a workshop session at the Big Day Out 2022
Power-up workshop leader, Becca Timmins, at one of three breakout session that she led at this year’s Big Day Out at FarmED in Oxfordshire
Big Day Out 2022 participants, Ben - on the left - and Riz - on the right - are seated and deep in conversation during a workshop session
Ben and Riz deep in conversation during one of Becca Timmins’ sessions at this year’s Big Day Out
A head and shoulders picture of Big Day Out 2022 participant, Becca, smiling broadly and listening during a conversation in a workshop session
Becca – no NOT course leader Becca – tunes in to a partner’s conversation during the workshop
Big Day Out 2022 participant, Cormac, in conversation during one of Becca Timmins’ workshops

How to join the event

The event will be taking place online using Zoom. Once you’ve bought your ticket, you’ll receive the Zoom link and details of how to join the event on 12 May 2023.


£25 per participant. This includes VAT and Eventbrite booking fees.

How to book

Just tap the Buy tickets button and book online now.

An exploration of the factors paraplanners should consider when planning for couples.

Learning objective

During the session we covered…

A large number of clients have an objective to pass their wealth on to the next generation or generations. We explore the issues paraplanners should be thinking of when creating a suitable strategy.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

For paraplanners who are want to build an advanced knowledge of investment bonds and how they work.

Learning objectives

In this session we covered…