Do you know the order in which income tax is applied to different sources?

If not, this online Assembly is for you. And – even if you do – are you really really sure? (Like, really?)

Either way, we’re sure you’ll leave this Assembly older (by 60 mins) but wiser thanks to our guest, M&G’s Les Cameron.

Les will be a familiar face to many Assembly participants and his most recent appearance was May’s Case Study Investigation: IHT and Trusts.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

Long term care and what paraplanners should know about it

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

Are you up to date with your top slicing relief knowledge.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

Long term care and what paraplanners should know about it

Learning Objectives

During the session we covered…

Long term care and what paraplanners should know about it

Learning Objectives

During the session we covered…

You don’t come across SSAS very often, but when you do you need to know what you’re doing with them. We can help with that.

Learning Objectives

During the session we covered…

Brian Radbone of Transact and Richard Allum of The Paraplanners discuss how new regulations designed to prevent pension scams will affect advice professionals and providers dealing with pension transfers.

James Jones-Tinsley of Barnett Waddingham and Richard Allum pick their way through the potpourri of jargon associated with old pensions contract.

James Jones-Tinsley of Barnett Waddingham and Richard Allum pick their way through the potpourri of jargon associated with old pensions contracts.

A team of paraplanners and an expert look at three cases studies with IHT and trusts at the heart of them.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…