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Why is it all kicking off in the world of retirement income planning?

Financial planning
Self certified

Thursday 25th May 2023





Years of stability in the retirement income planning world changed abruptly on 23 September 2022 when former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, presented his ‘mini budget’.

Ever since, uncertainty about rising interest rates, anxieties about inflation, and even worries over the stability of pension funds themselves, have led paraplanners to rethink how clients can achieve the outcome they want from their financial plan.

One consequence of all this? Secure lifetime income has become a thing. And annuities are back in fashion. 

What’s more, the demands of the consumer duty means more and more firms are kicking the tyres of their centralised retirement propositions to test suitability – or are setting one up for the first time.

In other words IT’S ALL KICKING OFF IN THE WORLD OF RETIREMENT INCOME PLANNING. And in the eye of the storm (because it does feel a bit like that doesn’t it?) there are paraplanners.

So how are we supposed to make sense of it all? What do we need to know? And what should we be doing about it? (And – while we’re talking about it – how DOES an annuity work?)

It’s all kicking off in the world of retirement: a series of online Assemblies with Just

Working with our friends at Just, we’re hosting a series of three online Assemblies to help you understand where we are, how we got here and – by combining case studies and practical tips – give you the knowledge you need to navigate what’s ahead.

1pm on 25 May 2023: Why is it all kicking off in the world of retirement?

In this first session in the series, we were joined by Karl Steadman from Just to explore what’s changed in the world of retirement income planning and what it means to paraplanners. During the Assembly we covered:

  • what’s happened in the economy and markets 
  • why things won’t be the same again
  • what it all means
  • income stability and sustainability
  • what is an annuity
  • assessing attitude to risk

Save your spot at the second and third Assemblies in this series

The second Assembly in this series – ‘Getting real: the new practicalities of retirement income planning’ – is taking place at 1pm on 1 June. For more info and to save your spot now visit the event page now.

Join us online for the third and final Assembly – called ‘The realities of retirement income: clients, case studies and consumer duty’ – which starts at 1pm on 8 June. Grab your spot and get more info here.


Karl Steadman

Karl Steadman is a Retirement and Later Life Specialist at Just. Karl shares his knowledge of the retirement and later life markets with intermediaries through the delivery of high quality presentations and workshops, both face to face and online!He has over 26 years’ experience in financial services, working as an adviser and with product providers. Karl joined Just in 2009. Over the last 14 years, Karl has gained in-depth experience of the retirement income, lifetime mortgages and care markets.

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