From theory to practical – Centralised Retirement Propositions (CRPs)

Financial planning
Self certified

Wednesday 31st March 2021





If you’ve just started trying to get your head around CRPs, or are some way along the journey of implementing one, then this is for you.

Learning Objectives

In this session we covered…

  • Recap on CRP v CIP and how they are used
  • What are the important trends and developments in CRPs from NextWealth’s report and what do they mean for paraplanners?
  • What impact has COVID had on adoption and use of CRPs?
  • Cash buffers/bucket/layering and the alternative options
  • Sequencing risk – what was it like to experience real volatility?
  • Withdrawal strategies
  • Tools and software that paraplanners and advisers are using
  • Client segmentation and regulatory update (hello PROD)
  • Legacy and later life planning as part of a CRP
  • Practical experience and tips


Heather Hopkins

With a career spanning Toronto, Boston, Tokyo and London, Heather is a data and research expert specialising in retail investment distribution, and the Managing Director and Founder of NextWealth. She is also a Director of Clive Waller Consulting Ltd and serves as Vice-Chair of The Investment Network and the Schroders UK Platform Awards.

John Allen
M&G Wealth

John Allen is Institutional Business Development Director, Ascentric. John focuses on helping advise businesses weather the changing commercial, regulatory and propositional landscape we operate in. Centralised Investment Propositions (CIP) and Centralised Retirement Propositions (CRP) are high on the agenda post MiFID II and PROD, as well as trying to drive cost out of portfolios and processes. John joined Ascentric 18 months ago after 20 years with Elevate / Standard life. He doesn’t live in the Wild West – he lives in Wales.

Jonathan Stubbs
LIFT Financial

Jonny has gained nearly 20 years experience in Financial Services from a number of different roles in advising, compliance and paraplanning (both in house and outsourced). Jonny currently heads up the team at LIFT-Financial in Cheshire. Jonny is passionate about all things financial planning, with a particular interest in how technology can be used to drive efficiencies and better communication with clients.

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