What a great year 2016 was for the Powwow, thanks to all of you.

You ran three Mini Powwows, we held our first ever online Howwow, we kickstarted the debate on paraplanner standards, and the fourth national Powwow took place in the rolling countryside, under open skies.

So what’s next? We gave you a little teaser here and there in the press, but as an exclusive for Powwowers, here are the juicy details of what’s in store for 2017.

We’re growing…

Your feedback has inspired us to find new ways for the Powwow to help us all to fix, learn, and share things. We’ve looked at what we’re doing, talked to some of you, and are adding a couple of new formats to the Powwow line up.

How have we done this? We still have a panel of supporters. We couldn’t do this without them. But the Powwow remains unwaveringly independent. It is steadfastly designed by paraplanners for paraplanners. And that’s why there’s lots here for Powwowers to do, to help with, and more importantly to shape.

So, in no particular order, here’s what’s coming up…

Back by popular demand…

Put the date in your diary. On Thursday 14th September, we’ll be reuniting under those open skies for the national paraplanners Powwow. But there’s a big difference this year. This year, the national Powwow really needs you!

We’re calling for volunteers to help make the day a success. From leading sessions, to hosting, to helping us to find good speakers, there are tons of ways you can help out.

While Richard is still involved, he is stepping back the level of involvement. So, it’s never been more true; what you get from the Powwow, will depend on what you put in.

Ready to chip in? Then email us to volunteer. No matter how much time you can give, or what you’d like to do, we’ll find a use for you.

More mini Powwows

Powwowers have taken the Powwow raison d’etre to heart, holding mini Powwows up and down the land. These pint-sized events have all the traits of the national, but are local to you and fit around work.

It turns out you want to keep meeting with your fellow paraplanners, continuing to share, learn and fix things, with or without a teepee.

In fact, we’ve heard whispers of demand for mini Powwows in a few more outposts. So we’re looking for volunteers to help organise in Northern Ireland, Wales, Central South and the East of England.

Interested in finding out what’s involved? Get in contact.

There are already some in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled for a mini Powwow coming soon to a town near you.

Get a little know-how at a Howwow

Howwows are for those times when Powwowers want to focus on ONE topic in particular and, in depth. This year, we’re introducing Howwows for professional development and are trialling them in two formats…

First up, we’re continuing the online Howwows. These are scheduled for every last Wednesday of the month, at lunch time so you can join in while eating your [insert a filling] sandwich.

Here’s the heads up. February 22nd, 1-2pm. That’ll be the first one. Tune in and we’ll be asking two questions: What’s on your plate, and what do you want to cover in these. And of course, if you have any brain waves in between now and then, drop us a line.

Next up, we’ll be holding four face-to-face Howwows this year. In true Powwow style, we don’t know when, where, or what they’re going to cover. Because you get to decide that.

We’ve heard through the grapevine that a report writing Howwow would be a good idea. But no decision is final. Because, you’ve guessed it, we’ve put together a Powwow survey. Complete the very short survey, and tell us what topics you’d like covered in-depth and whose opinions you’d like to listen to.

Once the score is on the boards, we’ll do our level best to make it happen.

When it’s broke, we fix it

Fix. Learn. Share. These principles lie at the heart of all things Powwow. And this year, we want Powwowers to take one of these a step further. We really want the views, experience and insight of paraplanners to make a difference. We want to start fixing things.

So, when fixing platforms was raised in the Big Tent, we thought, let’s do this! Let’s give the platforms something to do (or at least mull over) from paraplanners.

Fairly soon, we’ll be asking you to share what you think about platforms, what would make your life easier etc. And then we’ll share it with them. All of them. We won’t be asking questions that tell them what they want to hear. This is a space for warts and all. That way we can begin fixing things. Or at least, help others to.

And here’s a handy recap

Whoa, we know there’s a lot there! But this year, it’s never been more true that the Powwow is only going to succeed if you take part.

Raring to go but not sure where to start?

Get these key dates in the diary

14th September 2017 – National Paraplanners Powwow
22nd February, 1-2pm – First online Howwow (in fact, block every last wednesday of the month. No, really, do it)


For the National Paraplanners Powwow or Mini Powwows. Or both, you generous folk! Get in touch via email at [email protected].

Shape the Howwows

Tell us what topics and experts you want. Flex those survey filling muscles here.

Keep your sharp shooting eye on your inbox

…for our emails on upcoming Mini Powwows, Howwows, and fixing platforms, make sure you are signed up to Powwow Post (it’s very easy, the form is just hanging out on the right of this page).

But most importantly…

Get talking and telling us your ideas on the above or anything really. Because it’s the Powwowers that make and shape Powwow. And with Twitter, Email and Big Tent there’s no excuse not to.

We’re really, really, really, pleased to announce that FIRST EVER Powwow for paraplanners in South Wales and the West of England will take place in Bristol next month.

In fact, tickets for POWWOW SOUTH WEST – which is being held at 3pm on 17 November at the Bristol Pavilion at Gloucestershire Cricket’s Brightside ground in Bristol – are ready and waiting for you to book RIGHT NOW at the end of this link: Powwow South West

Hosted by Ovation Finance’s Andy Marshall and Prism IFA’s Lewys Richards Powwow South West will last for about two hours and is free of charge to any paraplanners from South Wales and the West of England who’d like to take part.

Because it adopts ‘unconference’ principles, Powwowers taking part will get the chance to vote on the topics to talk about at Powwow South West closer to the time. For now – though – just make sure you book your place for November’s event by following this link: Powwow South West


Powwows have been created by paraplanners for paraplanners. If you’re not a paraplanner – or a guest invited by a Powwow organiser –then the Powwow’s not for you.

There are just under two weeks to go to the fourth national paraplanners Powwow and we can reveal that one of the questions that we’ll be posing for the big Powwow session on 15 September is: Should this be the last national Powwow?

That’s a question that’s all the more poignant for Powwow founder, Richard Allum, because Richard will step down from organising the national Powwow that he started back in 2013.

Richard explained: “With local Powwows growing in popularity, a thriving community of paraplanners getting stuck in to discussions in the Big Tent, and plans for future online Howwows, now seemed as good a time as any to ask whether Powwowers think that the purpose of a national Powwow – on a yearly basis, at least – run its course?”

“And if it hasn’t then how would Powwowers like the event to develop in the future?”

“That’s the question I’d like to invite Powwowers to talk about when we gather together on 15 September.”

Despite stepping back from organising the national Powwow Richard still wants to work with other paraplanners to organising local Powwows and online Howwows in the future.

There are just a handful of tickets leat for this year’s national Powwow which takes place on 15 September 2016 under open skies, in teepees, in Ayhno, Northamptonshire. To book your ticket visit the Powwow event page.

Not only could it be the last national Paraplanners Powwow but it could be the last chance for paraplanners to hear – first hand – the FCA’s Rory Percival’s perspective on financial planning issues.

That’s because Rory recently confirmed that he would be leaving the FCA in November.

We’re really pleased to announce that – for the second year running – the FCA’s Rory Percival will join paraplanners at the national Powwow as its Guru speaker in the afternoon on 15 September 2016.

What’s more it could be the last chance for paraplanners to hear – first hand – the FCA’s popular technical specialist offer the regulator’s perspective on financial planning issues.

That’s because Rory recently confirmed that he would be leaving the FCA in November.

So if you don’t want to miss Rory taking his final bow at the Powwow, grab your ticket NOW by visiting the Powwow Event Page

About a year ago – in a blog post at our website – we said that we wanted to make sure that, no matter who you are, where you are and how you do it, if you’re a paraplanner you can take part in Powwows.

In addition to introducing Howwows, one of the ways that we said we’d do it was by introducing ‘The Big Tent’ – a forum for online debate and discussion hosted at a spruced-up Powwow website.

That’s why – today – we’re really pleased to say that the Powwow’s Big Tent is now open!

If you’d like to try it out click getting started for a quick-start guide to Big Tent.

Alternatively, just click http://thebigtent.paraplannerspowwow.co.uk/, click the ‘Register’ button (beneath the ‘Howdy stranger’ bit on the right), and away you go!

If you have any problems, just email [email protected] to let us know.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a week since the third national Paraplanners Powwow. Why not relive the experience – or see what all the fuss is about – by taking a look at our gallery of pictures taken by snapper Ady Kerry.

Paraplanners Powwow 2015

We’ll publish more photos next week but, for now, here’s the BIG Powwow 2015 yesterday’s Paraplanners Powwow 2015!

(And if you want to see a bigger version of the picture just click here.)

The third national Paraplanners Powwow will take place in rolling countryside, under open skies, in teepees starting at 10:00am (probably) on 10 September 2015 (definitely) at A Day in the Country, Upper Aynho Grounds, Ayhno, Northamptonshire.

WHAT’s happening on 10 September 2015 – the story so far…

If you’re not already signed up for Powwow Mail and would like to stay up to date with event news, just add your details to the form over there on right-hand side of the screen (or scroll down a bit if you’re using a mobile) and we’ll keep you posted.

Here’s a gallery of pictures taken by Powwowers at last Thursday’s double-header Powwows: Powwow In The Middle held at Cooper Parry Wealth, Sky View, near East Midlands Airport, and Powwow North of the Border at Seven Investment Management’s quayside offices in Edinburgh.

We’ve mixed all the images up – can you spot yourself (and the screengrabs of the live link-up between the both the Powwows)?

Thanks ever so much to In The Middle organisers Rachel Kitching and Caroline Stuart, and to Vanguard and Transact for their support of the event.

And many congratulations to North of the Border organisers Colin Stewart and Susan Pringle for the Powwow’s successful debut in Scotland!

Explore our gallery

BBC Radio Five Live’s Formula 1 pit-lane reporter, Jennie Gow, has clinched top prize in a dramatic finale to the fiercely contested Powwow Troll Picture competition.

CFP TrollJennie’s ‘Formula Troll’ snap (pictured above), which featured the Powwow Troll and newly-crowned Formula 1 drivers’ champion, Lewis Hamilton, at last month’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, edged out Jo Hague’s forensically accurate art installation ‘CFP Qualified Troll’ (pictured right) to take the title.

But with the contest only open to paraplanners, organisers were faced with a choice about whether to shortlist Jennie’s snaps of the flame-haired character and risk plunging the Powwower community into controversy.

In a move designed to stave off paraplanner protests, Powwow organisers opted to invite Powwowers to confirm or deny Jennie honorary Powwower status in an online poll.

As well as voting for the pictures themselves, Powwowers were invited to respond to the question: ‘Should TV and radio presenter Jennie Gow become an honourary Powwower because she took a Powwow Troll to the Grand Prix in Abu DhabSwizzels Hamper Boxi and managed to snap pictures featuring Lewis Hamilton and Daniel Riccardio?’

82% voted in favour of the unprecedented move, paving the way for the presenter of ITV Sport’s Formula E coverage – who is sister of Argonaut Paraplanning and Powwow Down South organiser Alan Gow – to be crowned Powwow Troll Picture title winner.

Both Jennie and Jo received personalised Swizzel’s gift boxes – like the one shown on the right – as prizes.

(Note: We may have embellished the controversy stuff a bit.)