Are you up to date with your top slicing relief knowledge.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

Long term care and what paraplanners should know about it

Learning Objectives

During the session we covered…

Long term care and what paraplanners should know about it

Learning Objectives

During the session we covered…

A team of paraplanners and an expert look at three cases studies with IHT and trusts at the heart of them.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

Three technical experts answer a whole range of technical questions asked by paraplanners.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

A team of paraplanners and an expert dissect a case study looking at IHT and the Deed of Variation.

Learning objectives

During the session we covered…

A deep dive into Family Investment Companies.

Learning objectives

During this session we covered…

A team of paraplanners and an expert dissect a case study looking at lifetime allowance.

Learning objectives

In this session we covered…

A deep dive into trusts and how they are taxed.

Learning objectives

In this session we covered…

Retirement income has become a hot topic of conversation amongst clients, firms and the regulator, with much of the focus being on defined benefit advice.

Whilst there is little doubt that many of the principles outlined in recent guidance should be part of any retirement advice framework, in this session we look at the real world application, taking into account client behaviour and understanding.

Learning objectives

In this session we covered…