As a relatively new role within financial services, it’s today’s paraplanners that have worked hard to define and establish the profession.

How do we build on this?

Learning objectives

In this session we covered…

Howwows are for those times when we want to focus on ONE topic in particular and, in depth.

For 2017 we’re planning on holding more online Howwows, in addition to four face-to-face ones. In fact, online Howwows are scheduled for every last Wednesday of the month, at lunch time (1-2pm for most normal folk), so you can join in while eating your sandwich.

If you’ve never tuned into a Howwow online or you’re a bit rusty on it all – this handy guide will help you on your merry way.

1. Sign-up to online Howwows

We’ll be listing upcoming Howwows on the Powwow website every month. Alternatively, just pop over to our Powwow channel on Crowdcast, and you’ll find the next Howwow there waiting for you to register.

Plus, we’ll let you know when they go up via Twitterthe Powwow Post, and if you hit follow on the Powwow Crowdcast Channel

2. How to join the Howwow on the day

Keep an eye on your inbox at 12:50pm, on the day of the Howwow. Around about then, you’ll receive an email which includes a link to click to join in.

As a heads up, the webinar isn’t supported by all browsers, so we suggest downloading Chrome or Firefox ahead of the Howwow to avoid any delay in joining, or you could just download the nifty free Crowdcast app (that’s the webinar platform we use) for phones and tablets from iTunes or the Chrome Web Store. From there, all you need to do is sign in.

We’ll do a tiny bit of tech housekeeping at the beginning of each Howwow, that way you’ll know what’s what – it really is painless, we promise. You don’t need anything fancy, just the ability to watch, listen and type.

For those that share office space, you may want to tune in using earphones or headphones.

3. Drop-in when you want

You can tune in when you want, for as long as you want, from wherever you want – we’ve even got folk tuning in from Canada (Hello over there)!

4. How do online Howwows work?

For each Howwow there will be a small panel of paraplanners. They’ll kick off each Howwow by asking what’s on your plate – where you can chat about current day-to-day issues with other paraplanners.

Next up, will be the main topic for tackling in depth. In true Powwow style, we don’t know what these all are yet. That’s because you get to shape what topics to focus on.

Once you tell us what you’d like covered, we’ll do our best to put an A-team panel together for it.

All the way through the Howwow, you’ll be able to post questions, chat with other Howwowers (using a text messaging type thing).

The big idea is for panellists to make sure your questions, ideas and thoughts are shared with the Howwowers.

5. Can’t wait to pose a question?

Not going to make it to the Howwow or sure you’ll forget your question, then make sure you fire it over to [email protected].

6. Can I be on the panel or suggest topics?

The answer is yes to both!

If there’s any topic that you’re keen to share your views on then let us know. And of course, there’s no rule saying you have to be a panellist to suggest a topic. Get in touch by emailing [email protected] or tweeting @ParaPowwow.

7. Missed a Howwow?

We know at times the Howwow stars don’t align, and you just can’t make it. But, we’ve got you covered. You can head back over here – at any time – and find a recorded version lurking.

Plus, if it totally slips you mind, don’t worry we’ll always let you know there’s been one. Just follow us on Twitter, or sign up to Powwow Post, or hit follow on the Powwow Crowdcast channel, or in fact just do all three because, like Aerosmith, you ‘don’t want to miss a thing’.

There are just under two weeks to go to the fourth national paraplanners Powwow and we can reveal that one of the questions that we’ll be posing for the big Powwow session on 15 September is: Should this be the last national Powwow?

That’s a question that’s all the more poignant for Powwow founder, Richard Allum, because Richard will step down from organising the national Powwow that he started back in 2013.

Richard explained: “With local Powwows growing in popularity, a thriving community of paraplanners getting stuck in to discussions in the Big Tent, and plans for future online Howwows, now seemed as good a time as any to ask whether Powwowers think that the purpose of a national Powwow – on a yearly basis, at least – run its course?”

“And if it hasn’t then how would Powwowers like the event to develop in the future?”

“That’s the question I’d like to invite Powwowers to talk about when we gather together on 15 September.”

Despite stepping back from organising the national Powwow Richard still wants to work with other paraplanners to organising local Powwows and online Howwows in the future.

There are just a handful of tickets leat for this year’s national Powwow which takes place on 15 September 2016 under open skies, in teepees, in Ayhno, Northamptonshire. To book your ticket visit the Powwow event page.

Not only could it be the last national Paraplanners Powwow but it could be the last chance for paraplanners to hear – first hand – the FCA’s Rory Percival’s perspective on financial planning issues.

That’s because Rory recently confirmed that he would be leaving the FCA in November.

About a year ago – in a blog post at our website – we said that we wanted to make sure that, no matter who you are, where you are and how you do it, if you’re a paraplanner you can take part in Powwows.

In addition to introducing Howwows, one of the ways that we said we’d do it was by introducing ‘The Big Tent’ – a forum for online debate and discussion hosted at a spruced-up Powwow website.

That’s why – today – we’re really pleased to say that the Powwow’s Big Tent is now open!

If you’d like to try it out click getting started for a quick-start guide to Big Tent.

Alternatively, just click, click the ‘Register’ button (beneath the ‘Howdy stranger’ bit on the right), and away you go!

If you have any problems, just email [email protected] to let us know.


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More than 50 paraplanners took part in our first ever online Howwow yesterday. And the hour-long dicussion about professional standards for paraplanning is now available to view online.

There are two versions of the Howwow. You can either watch the video-only version of the Howwow – embedded above – or the version that also shows the text discussion that Howwowers were able to use to express views and ideas, and ask questions. To see that version of the Howwow just follow this link:

Paraplanners Powwow 2015

We’ll publish more photos next week but, for now, here’s the BIG Powwow 2015 yesterday’s Paraplanners Powwow 2015!

(And if you want to see a bigger version of the picture just click here.)

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Today, we’re setting out our plans for the Powwow in 2015. (Just click through the slideshow above for the potted summary.)

It’s been two years since the idea of an unconference-style Paraplanners Powwow was originally floated – and almost 18 months since the first national event was held.

Since then we’ve held a second national Powwow and – including today’s Powwow In The Middle and North of the Border – a total of nine Powwow events.

In the past year-and-a-half, more than 300 paraplanners have participated in Powwows in Edinburgh, London (x 2), Manchester, Nottingham (x 2) and Leeds.

No fewer than 16 paraplanners have teamed up to organise mini Powwows – for some it’s the first event they’ve ever had a chance to organise in their career so far.

Thanks to the participation of paraplanners across the country, it’s fair to say the Powwow is a flourishing not-for-profit movement.

And thanks to Powwow supporters – 7IM, AXA Wealth, James Hay Partnership, Prudential and Transact – we’ll be able to stage another national Powwow in 2015 and invest in new ways to Powwow.

Because that’s what we want to do this year: To extend the reach of the Powwows so no matter who you are, where you are and how you do it, if you’re a paraplanner you can take part in Powwows.

To do it, we’re going to expand the ways that paraplanners can participate in Powwows. In 2015, we’ll introduce:

  1. Howwows: Webcast-based powwows – with content voted for by Powwowers – offering practical tips on day-to-day paraplanning including techniques, trends and technology.
  2. The Big Tent: A digital teepee for paraplanners with a forum for online debate and discussion hosted at a spruced-up Powwow website.
  3. Grow your own Powwow: We’ll make it easier for paraplanners create their own Powwows by providing the tools and behind-the-scenes support, to run a successful Powwow event.

What’s more – as we said in a recent post – we’re exploring the idea of shared ownership: a cooperative in which, if it’s possible, all Powwow participants will be entitled to an equal stake in the Powwows and their future.

Yes, that’s the Powwow Troll pictured with newly-crowned Formula One World Champion Lewis Hamilton in the background.

It seems it pays to have a sister who works for BBC Radio 5 Live. Especially when she’s the pit lane reporter for the station’s Formula One coverage.

We have no idea how it happened but Jennie Gow, sister of Powwow Down South organiser Alan Gow, travelled to last weekend’s Drivers’ Championship decider in Abu Dhabi with the Powwow Troll in tow.

And what a weekend Troll had: Posing with – among others – Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo(right, above) and taking a tour of the Mercedes-Benz team’s garage (right, below).

But does that mean Jennie Gow – a motorsport broadcaster with 5 Live and host of ITV’s Formula E coverage – will be the unlikely winner of a Powwow Troll picture competition? A competition which, strictly speaking, is only open to paraplanners?

Well it’s time for you to decide. It’s time to CAST YOUR VOTE in the poll to find the best Powwow Troll picture that’s been snapped since September’s Paraplanners Powwow. It’ll just take a minute so, to vote, just click the button below.

Meanwhile, here’s a selection of Powwow Troll snaps that you’ll be voting for (or not).

Mike Dyke at the Powwow
With his nuanced combination of hat, sunglasses, t-shirt and shorts, Mike Dyke (above) subtly blends in with other Powwowers at September’s event.

by Mike Dyke

It’s probably one of the best, if not the best, event for Paraplanners that has ever been created.

It takes all the normal rules of a conference – smart dress, delicate nibbles, polite conversation and technical sessions – and throws them out of the window.

This is an ‘un-conference’, which means the delegates get to choose pretty much everything that happens, from the topics to discuss to the very generous helping of sweets to the music in the background. What makes it even better is that the sponsors there are not allowed to promote their products! Woohoo!

The topics we chose were, of course, close to many Paraplanners’ hearts. To kick off with we had three group sessions that covered suitability reports and what we should/shouldn’t put in them; an equation on ‘trust’ from Cofunds and what technology do we use hosted by the always brilliant Jo Hague.

As the weather was so nice we all then got to sit outside on the grass – a bit like last day of school on a warm summers day – to discuss two of three offerings in the Pick ‘n’ Mix sessions – how can we keep up-to-date with industry knowledge and the sunset clause, cashflow planning and client reviews. The only problem was picking the two out the three you wanted to go to.

The Powwow wraps up with a session from Chris Darbyshire, which began with the history of futures (which dates back to 1700BC when they were used for trading slaves). This led on nicely to the Powwow itself where we discussed whether paraplanning should be regulated or not, whether there should be a minimum set of qualifications and, finally, whether paraplanning ever be automated – a notion widely and correctly described as RUBBISH!

The best bit of the Powwow is the ability to mingle with like-minded individuals over the course of a day to share and swap ideas.

As it turns out we are a very sharing bunch and everyone was very willing to explain how they do things. It’s also very good for getting new followers on Twitter and LinkedIn 😉

The Powwow boasts the best range of food I’ve ever had at an industry event. The pre-Powwow Chowwow at The Cartwright Hotel went down a treat for those who were there. The morning brought us some mouth-watering bacon butties which were followed by burgers, sausages, fajitas and even ice-cream for lunch. (Yum yum!) The range of drinks was equally impressive. They even had a long forgotten favourite of mine: Lilt!

What’s more, there was a box of chocolates on offer for the best-dressed for an unconference. And I can rightly say: They are very nice. (So I expect to see more people in shorts and t-shirts next year, weather permitting.)

Say ‘cheese’! It’s the Powwow 2014 portrait

Look! It’s the school photo from yesterday’s Paraplanners Powwow!

If you click on the image, it should open as a larger version which our photographer, Ady Kerry, says you are welcome to save on to your PC or mobile device. In other words, consider it yours; like the Powwow was.