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Property, pensions and paraplanning

Self recorded

Wednesday 15th November 2023





Host Richard Allum was joined by experts Rachel Geary and Murray Smith from Barnett Waddingham for a lunch-hour session exploring what clients need to know if they want to invest in property as part of their pension

Together, they covered the technical, regulatory and legal issues that influence pensions and property, and served up really valuable insights along the way.

Among the topics covered were:

  • Why buy a commercial property with a pension?
  • SIPP vs SSAS. What, why and when?
  • Rules about property in a pension
  • Technical and legal things to know about investing in commercial property with a pension
  • FAQs. Which things crop up time and again?
  • What can go wrong – and how to avoid it happening
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Rachel Geary
Barrett Waddingham

Rachel has experience looking after a portfolio of Small Self-Administered Schemes (SSAS) located across the UK.
She advises a range of directors and trustees on SSAS issues including scheme establishment, funding and contribution limits, retirement and death benefits and investments (such as loan backs, property purchase and borrowing).

Rachel has experience administering pension schemes with a diverse range of investments and providing consultancy advice on a number of pension scheme issues.

Murray Smith
Barnett Waddingham

Murray has been working with SIPP and SSAS pensions for over 20 years and has spent most of that time dealing with commercial properties, working for a number of the UK's biggest SIPP and SSAS providers.He was the founding member of Barnett Waddingham SIPP's property team, joining them in 2015 and helping the team grow to the 15 members of staff that it has currently. The team now deals with the purchase and sale of over 100 properties every year, and the ongoing administration of over 1300 SIPP properties.

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Here’s a link to download the slidedeck used by Rachel and Murray during the Assembly plus any helpful links mentioned during the talk or in the chat

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