Event title image reads 'What difference will the consumer make to client communications?' An online Assembly held on 26 April 2023. Featuring Gemma Knight of Compliance and Training Solutions (CATS) and Steve Cameron of Aegon UK

New consumer duty rules come into force on 31 July (for new products and services, that is).

Yet as recently as last month, Citywire reported that 59% of advisers have not started preparing for the July deadline – that’s according to a survey of 1,000 advice firms commissioned by Aviva.

It got us wondering: what’s going on in advice practices across the UK?

Are firms comfortable with the deadline because they’re confident they’ve got all the consumer duty bases covered? 

Or could they be underestimating the effect the consumer duty rules will have on how we all communicate with clients?

What’s happening where you work? And with client communications at the heart of the Duty – and the role of paraplanners – should we be worried?

To explore what’s going on, we invited Aegon UK’s public affairs director, Steven Cameron, and Gemma Knight, a director of Compliance and Training Solutions (CATS), to join us online for a lunch-hour Assembly.

Is your firm ready for the 31 July deadline? 

Watch the replay or listen to the podcast to find out!

Get into the right headspace for tax year end. An online Assembly. 1pm on 19 January 2023. Featuring Rebecca Timmins of Time to Think

Tax year end. ALREADY?

Yes. But it wasn’t just any old hour’s worth of tax chat (attractive though we know that would be). 

No. This is all about getting in the RIGHT MINDSET for 2023’s tax year end deadline. 

(Like a HIIT workout. But without the HIIT bit. Or the workout.)

What it involved was coach and facilitator, Becca Timmins, being joined by Kez Condy and Jo Parkes from Navigatus, Zoe Hitchcock from Crowe UK and Emery Little’s Satu Flynn to discuss how they were getting in the zone for this year’s tax deadline.

The audience were invited to tune in as the group answer three questions:

By sharing their insights and experiences from last year – combined with your own contributions in the chat – everyone taking part – on screen or off it – gained ideas, tips and techniques that could prove invaluable in countdown to the tax year deadline.